

  1. G2P Connect recommends Gov Stack published Identity Building Block specifications

  2. Below G2P Connect API's with batch / async support is an additional option for implementing systems to consider to integrate with digital ID systems.


  1. API specification link

  2. Discussion thread

Interface List

Interface IDEnd PointDescription


POST /identity/verify

Authenticate using otp, demo or bio factors


POST /identity/on-verify

Authentication response through callback


POST /identity/txn/on-status

Perform async status check of previous identity transanctions using transaction_id and/or reference_id(s)


POST /identity/txn/on-status

Response to async status check of previous identity transanctions using callback


Below are few utilities that community can open source:

  1. Mobile / web app Toolkits to easily read a person's Verifibale Credentials to auto populate for social programs registration processes.

  2. Toolkits to enable "offline" verification of beneficiary using VC data + local face match for proof of presence.

  3. Online Auth/Kyc APIs using biometric based auth modalities using country specific Foundation ID implemenations.

  4. Demographic deduplication utilities for scoial protection platforms where de-duplicated foundational ID is not be available/accessible.

Integration Schematics

Last updated

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